
Da det som udgangspunkt ikke er tilladt at holde husdyr i E/F Jacobsgaarden, skal der søges dispensation til at holde husdyr. Der kan gives tilladelse til mindre, ikke-støjende dyr som katte, fugle, skildpadder, kaniner mm., men en sådan tilladelse skal indhentes fra bestyrelsen inden anskaffelse af husdyr!

Det er gentagne gange på generalforsamlinger vedtaget, at der ikke gives tilladelse til at have hund.

Der kan gives tilladelse til maksimalt to katte pr. lejlighed. Der skal søges om dispensation hos bestyrelsen på eller pr. brev til formanden.

For English, please see below.


It is not permitted to keep pets in the building as a rule, though it is possible to waive this rule by obtaining written permission from the board. The board may give permission for keeping smaller, non-noisy animals such as cats, birds, tortoises/turtles, and cats, but the written permission must be had before the pet is aquired!

It has repeatedly been established at the general assembly that dogs are not allowed.

A maximum of two cats may in case of written permission be had at each apartment. Permission can be requested by writing the board at or by letter to the head of the board.

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